Please make note of the following important upcoming dates for the CHDA:
1. CHDA meeting: Monday, February 10th at 7:00 pm by ZOOM . All are welcome. Zoom invite below.
2. March Pipe Practice Saturday, March 8th 12-1:30 PM. The Room YYC Dance Studio.
3. Chinook Weekend - Chinook Open Championship Saturday March 15 Rock Pointe Church // Energy Capital Premiership and Open Competition on Sunday March 16 at Bearspaw Christian School. Registration is NOW open now and available at this link: CHDA Chinook Weekend registration.
Volunteers are always needed and our Chinook weekend requires lots of volunteers to make it a success! Please consider volunteering :Chinook weekend volunteers . If you are a first time volunteer some of the best roles to consider are: Set Up, Registration, Clean Up, Trophy Binder, Runner. We provide training for all roles.
4. Pre Premier Tartan Day Workshop Sunday, April 6th. More details to follow.